The Queensland Government has this week made headlines for an eyebrow raising campaign. 

In a decision that has vindicated blokes who spend an hour a day doing paid poos – Queensland Health has rolled out a campaign aimed at assuring people that it’s okay to lay cable at work. 

Rolled out across social media with pretty dolphins and bright colours, the campaign is set to leave Queensland somehow spewing even more methane emissions than before. 

This comes as the state’s coal mines continue to fester like opening wounds, spewing under reported emissions into the atmosphere. 

While Premier Steven Miles has made nice sounding but unregulated promises to ensure the state will meet ambitious new targets, environmental experts understandably remain extremely concerned about the state of play. 

The State LNP have unpredictably given the middle finger to targets, vaguely promising to commit to Net Zero 2050 and walking away from any other commitments before that date. 

They’ve also hinted at backing the federal Liberals genuinely baffling nuclear one pager, with voters hoping those hints were just deep fake AI creations. 

Now, with the new drop your guts at work campaign rolled out across the state, questions have been raised as to whether efforts to regulate emissions are out the door. 

“I know Queensland and the rest of the country was just doing the tried and tested under reporting of the dangerous gasses leaking out of our coal mines,” began Phil Green, Professor of Environmental Science at South Betoota Polytechnic. 

“But this seems to be taking the shit….”

“See what I did there,” he winked. 

“Unfortunately though, it seems like if we want serious and proper action to preserve things like our Great Barrier Reef, we’ll need to find a way to blame the emissions on ‘youth crime.’”


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