The world of white water fish tails looks set to change drastically this year, with a new range of Jet Skis to hit the market. 

This comes as Australia finally starts to realize that electric vehicles are a pretty feasible option moving forward – a few years after the rest of the world came to terms with the same position. 

With vehicle manufacturers accepting that they can’t keep dumping petrol and diesel vehicles in our country at the bottom of the world – watercraft producers have also got on board. 

“Yeah, it’s time to give these blokes the leccy boatercycles,” said a spokesperson for the Jet Ski industry today. 

“Now that so many of them are transitioning into cashed up gigs in the renewables sector, it makes sense to give them a battery powered water sled.” 

“They still fang as hard, they just buzz rather than roar.” 

“But it’s like those old coal workers they put behind the wheel of a Tesla a few years ago,” he laughed. 

“We’ll still get a few ‘fuckkk moiiiiisssss’ (sic) out of them when they hold the throttle down.” 

The spokesperson explained that the Brayden’s and Kayden’s of the world are now more than ever open to the idea of electric vehicles. 

“Mate, it’s just simple economics with these blokes.” 

“Sure it’s nice to be saving the environment, but when you can get paid fat stacks to work on a renewables gig and then save money with solar panels and electric skis…”

“It’s a pretty easy argument to make, if you know what I mean.” 

“When was the last time you saw someone plug in a drill or an angle grinder?” 

“Times are changing and most blokes are just happy to follow the money.” 


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