Sydney local Emily Parkes has today been accused of spending her entire European holiday, pointing out how every new city eerily resembles parts of her hometown.

Parkes, 27, who has been to the Blue Mountains twice and Melbourne once, has taken it upon herself to educate her travel companions about how eerily similar London’s Islington is to Sydney’s Newtown.

“Honestly, it’s like, the same vibe!” she proclaimed, after spotting a a trendy young person on a vintage bike in Islington.

Upon arrival in Berlin, Parkes couldn’t help but draw parallels between the city’s edgy Kreuzberg district and her beloved Enmore.

“It’s like Enmore but with more graffiti and techno!” she explained while sipping her third flat white of the morning.

New York was no exception. After a whirlwind tour of Bushwick, Emily declared it the Williamsburg of the Southern Hemisphere.

“It’s just like Marrickville! Well, maybe Marrickville ten years ago before it got too mainstream,” she clarified.

Parkes’s friends have reportedly stopped listening to her comparisons, choosing instead to embrace the unique aspects of each city without constantly referencing King Street.

In a final stroke of comparison, Emily concluded her journey by noting that the Eiffel Tower is basically Paris’s answer to Sydney’s Centrepoint Tower.

“Just taller and, you know, French,” she said, snapping yet another selfie for Instagram.

More to come. 


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