ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Media around the country received their Associated Press (AP) update a short time ago that the Israeli military has begun their ‘limited, localised’ operation in Southern Lebanon.

That has triggered a race between outlets to described what is going on in the most accurate way without accidentally revealing that a nation’s sovereign borders have been crossed by another’s armed forces, which is called an ███████. Here at The Advocate, our editorial experience has resulted in this event being labelled a ‘special observational cartography voyage’.

Foreign media outlets, such as Al Jazeera, is calling the special observational cartography voyage an ‘attack on Lebanon by Israel’ while the New York Times has declared that ‘Israel sends troops into Southern Lebanon’.

Closer to home, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has explained that Israeli troops have crossed the border and have brought the fight to Hezbollah in their own backyard in limited and localised skirmishes. Nine Entertainment Co’s aged care division, Fairfax Media, has described the operation as a ‘small pew pew pew that could make Sydney house prices dip momentarily’.

As the special observational cartography voyage continues to unfold in Southern Lebanon, the increasingly decreasing number of news consumers on this island nation of ours will wait to see if any of the mentioned media outlets will change their tune.

More to come.


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