The new man taking up the Home Affairs hot seat has today endured a frosty reception, during his first media conference in the role.

Freshly appointed as the home affairs, immigration and multicultural affairs minister (on top of his house and arts minister roles), Tony Burke expected quite a fiery press conference centring around topical political issues.

However, Burke left the press conference this morning extremely frustrated after failing to be asked a single question about his new portfolio.

The cause for the consternation came after the entire media pack mistook Burke for Boomers, NBA and NBL legend Andrew Gaze.

“I have no fucking idea why Duop Reath isn’t playing,” sighed a frustrated Burke to The Advocate this morning.

“I don’t know why they kept asking me about our national basketball team?”

“It’s not like they asked about Jess Fox or the Tillies, they just kept asking me really niche and weird questions about rotations, pick and rolls and strategy’s against Canada?” he said, bemused.

Taking on home affairs, immigration and multicultural affairs on top of his leader of the house and arts minister responsibilities, Burke said he hasn’t had much time to watch the Olympics.

“Patty was good the other night from what I saw, but I only did a super quick recap of the Spain game,” said Bourke.

“But the only Boomers I focus on his home owning property wealth hoarders that my government empowers to inflate the housing bubble.”

“I don’t care that much for the Basketball Boomers.”

“Anyway, I guess it’s easier than being asked about immigration issues.”

“This is my life aye.”

A random walking past then asked Burke to “Turrrrrrn itttttttttttt uppppppppppp,” with a bemused Burke shaking his head and walking off.

More to come.


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