As the world continues to hurtle forward at a rapid pace, a local expert has confirmed that newer isn’t always better.

Shayne Thompson (36) from Betoota Heights has explained that while all these new E-Bikes kicking around the town are pretty flash, they still don’t quite have that je ne sais quoi.

“Pardon my French,” laughed Shayne.

“Seriously though, give me a Kmart Mountain bike with an old Husqvarna engine on the back of it any day,” said the local carpenter and third placed NRL tipper at the Betoota Ponds Tavern.

“Nothing fangs like one of those bad boys.”

While Shayne admits there are plenty of perks to the new range of electric bikes that can hit serious top speeds and hold charge for a great amount of time, nothing will ever be as sick as a mad pushy with 22ccs on the back if it.

“Mate, the crescendo of one of those cruising past is dreamy as.”

“Sitting in a class listening to one of the older boys fly past is a core childhood memory.”

“These e-bikes don’t even make a sound. They’ve got no presence, no character, no charisma.”

“Don’t get me wrong, they’ve got a place, but they just won’t ever knock a Husqie Mountain bike off the perch.”

More to come.


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