![mra (1)](https://www.betootaadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/mra-1.jpg)
Full time stay at home son, Jesse Wickens (34), never saw himself becoming an activist but has found himself fighting for the greater good, asking the question ‘what about men’s rights?’ from the comfort of his childhood home where his mum still does his laundry.
Saunders claims that sexism is a problem that was solved in the ’60s and that he lives in an equal world where he worked hard for everything he has, which appears to be an Xbox 360 with two controllers his mum still buys the batteries for.
“What about violence against men?” asked Wickens on an NRL Facebook post against domestic violence.
“What are youse doin [sic] to stop violence against men?”
Critics of the early balding activist have noted that he may not be the best person to discuss gender issues as his mother is responsible for the entirety of his domestic duties, despite the fact that he has spent so much time on the couch that it has changed his already appalling posture.
“It’s not a bloody sexist thing, and not because sexism doesn’t exist, but because I don’t know how to do it and she does. What’s sexist about that?”
“She doesn’t know a fucking thing on how to fish for Alaskan King Crabs. That kills heaps of men every year. Is that sexist or some new age bullshit now?”
Wickens admits, he is not the ideal poster boy for men’s rights but claims to know several more impressive men’s rights activist who claim to have actually seen a woman naked, some without even paying for it.