
“Surely She’d Be Done By Now” Says Increasingly Drunk Mates Surrounding Spit Roast

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT A large group of blokes that have spent the last two and half hours hovering around the lamb spit aren't certain, but they reckon that might be enough, surely. "Come on. That's gotta be done by now" says one salivating idiot. "Yeah tell me about it. It's not like he's looking back at us" says another. However, as is usually...

Local Hero Plans To Eat Red Meat Tomorrow And Make Sure Everyone Knows About It

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A North Betootanese father-of-four revealed to The Advocate today from the deck of his Daroo St Queenslander that he's planning on eating a steak and other non-Halal meats tomorrow regardless of what anybody thinks. Glenn Martin has already told seven unrelated people today that he's going to eat red meat and he 'doesn't give a...

Bloke Drinking Water Out Of Protein Shaker Definitely Works Out Heaps Aye

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT A coworker with a big stature is apparently a gym junkie, it has been confirmed. While holding the reigns to a white collar job that is pretty much just as boring as he is, the spreadsheet jockey has confirmed that he works out heaps, by deciding to only drink water out of a plastic protein powder shaker. Despite the...

Electro DJ Pioneers Entirely New Music Genre Without Releasing A Song

LEROY PERCIVAL | Central-Coast Queensland Folk-Rock Editor | CONTACT Local producer Cooper Campese, who claims to have invented the EDM sub-genre 'Goose Step' on his Instagram bio, has today handed himself his own resignation letter after admitting that he never actually got around to writing any songs. The 20 year-old, who goes by the name DJ Scratchin' Tendulker, says that the decision came...

Pub Patron Given Unnecessary Amount Of Shit For Having Coaster Stuck To His Schooner

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Patrons at Betoota's Lord Kidman Hotel stood in awe this afternoon as a local concreter, Rick (29), obliviously drank from a schooner glass with the coaster stuck to the bottom. Rick, who was initially acting a bit shy in the spotlight, said he has no idea how it happened. "Some of the punters were kind of into it... But some where...

Facebook Feels Man Should Be Notified Of Former Classmate’s Birthday

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Lewis Pynchon took the time this morning to thank Facebook for letting him know that it's Stan McCarthy's birthday today - a bloke he hasn't seen or heard of since he completed a COM305 group project with hin June 2009. "While I appreciate the sentiment, I'm going to have to pass on passing on my...

Motorist Relishes In Opportunity To Blow Horn At Other Motorists Who Mildly Inconvenience Him

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact As Theo Delonghi pulled up to the intersection of Boyd and Longhurst in Betoota's Old City district, he noticed that he was about to get the green light to proceed across the intersection. However, some inconsiderate colostomy-bag-of-a-human-being, by his own description, had queued across said intersection - which caused mild inconvenience to the supplement store owner. So as the light...

Local Weapon Desperately Tries To Keep Silly Season Alive With Fourth Message To Group Chat Suggesting Friday Beers

SCOOTER WILSON | Fridays | Contact Coming to the end of a relatively short week, with his boss away on business and only one meeting to attend, a South Betoota project manager has desperately tried to keep the silly season alive this afternoon by hitting up every group chat he's in - trying to lock in a few after work. Campbell Lieberman...

Afternoon Storm Somehow Good Enough Reason To Have A Few

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The fact that it is about to rain quite heavily is a good enough reason to go to the pub, it has been confirmed. Local man, Rowan Dixon (27) should probably be getting home and making sure all of his windows are closed, but has somehow convinced himself that this is a good time to have a beer. "It's going...

CSIRO Finds Global Warming Failing To Remove Ice From Regional Australia

20 March, 2017. 14:23 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Australia's peak scientific body has concluded this morning, after a decade-long study, that the rising global temperatures are having no effect on the amount of ice found in regional Australia. As first thought, the CSIRO predicted that as global warming and climate change wreak havoc on the nation's ecosystem and agriculture sectors,...



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