
“If you are a black diabetic that can’t read, you need to make better lifestyle choices”

11 March, 2015. 17:30 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact Tony Abbott's key Indigenous advisers have slammed his description of living in remote communities as a "lifestyle choice", saying the statement is "hopeless", "disrespectful" and simplistic. Yesterday, Mr Abbott backed a plan in Western Australia to close more than 100 remote communities and move more than 1,000 people, saying "what we can't...

Abbott Government embraces International Women’s Day with “Guidelines To Female Happiness”

8 March, 2015. 15:03 INGRID DOULTON (OAM) | Professor of Women's Issues | Contact A GOVERNMENT-FUNDED report was leaked via Wikileaks this morning, outlining measures that Australian women could take in order to achieve unbridled happiness.   Launched to coincide with International Women's Day, the study is the latest attempt by the government to try to solve the 'unhappy women' problem that has dogged the Abbott...

Redfern yuppies struggle to mask excitement over Aboriginal evictions

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact Only 100 metres from an internationally-condemned spectacle of Aboriginal dispossession, six inner-city trendies are drinking coffee and playing with their iPads, on Redfern's Abercrombie street. They say they are exhausted. "It's just so hard, you know. We are pretty much the new Redfern community - and while we feel for the Aboriginal people being evicted on The Block...

ABC’s Four Corners “unsure” about which industry to cripple next

19 February, 2015. 15:04 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE PRODUCERS from ABC's Four Corners are have revealed that they're unsure which industry they'd like to derail next. Earlier this week, the news and current affairs programme aired a story which exposed systematic and brutal cruelty within Australia's greyhound racing community - which has led to widespread condemnation by both animals rights groups and the...

Three universities to offer hospitality degrees disguised as Arts qualifications from next year

17 February, 2015. 11:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THREE BOTTOM-DRAWER universities will secretly begin offering degrees geared towards an unhappy life in the hospitality industry disguised as "soft qualifications in humanities". The move was prompted by the large number of Arts graduates that find themselves realistically unemployable at the end of their degree. The University of Notre Dame, Australian Catholic University and the University...

Police Seek Man Of Christian Appearance Over Graffiti Attack On Local Mosque

  ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Police are seeking to question a man over a graffiti attack on a French Quarter mosque last night.   Described by witnesses as being of 'Christian appearance', police are appealing to the community for more information. Police were called to the prayer centre on Rue de Gasson about 7 pm on Saturday after members of the Betoota...

“Not in Toowoomba, mate!” – Entire Queensland town to boycott Triple J

24 January, 2015. 8:48 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact A local radio station based in the small, South-East Queensland town of Toowoomba has declared a war of the waves against national radio giant Triple J in the lead up to their highly-anticipated Hottest 100. ‘The 4DDG Annual Hottest Aussie 100 Count Down’ was unveiled yesterday during the station’s popular Friday FM...

Man dating vegan says he doesn’t miss his old life

11 January, 2014. 13:04 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A year ago, Tom Greenwood's life seemed pretty normal. He had a good job as a stock and station agent in western NSW and was busy paying off his first mortgage. That was before vegan preschool teacher, Emily, came in to his life. "My life changed overnight," he said. "Meat, cheese, fish, eggs, milk...

“Snapchat model” Chelsea Ferguson confirms romance with Prince Harry

5 January, 2015. 17:30 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | [email protected] Whispers surrounding the love life of one of the world's favourite Royal playboys have been confirmed today - through a leaked Snapchat message sent around by the young woman in question. Chelsea Ferguson, the famous "Social Media Stripper" - who has risen to fame through strip club tours around the U.K and United...

John Howard’s Record Innings Dogged By Repeated Chucking Allegations

IMRAN GASHKORI | Sports | Contact Former Prime Minister John Howard scored 191 not out against the Begum Rokeya University IX in Rangpur yesterday, after being accused of "chucking" in the first innings. Mr Howard is captain of the Lyneham Cricket Club 5th grade team which is currently on a charity tour of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The team, made up of other like-minded...



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