Breaking News

A Book About Tara Brown’s Traumatic Experience Kidnapping Lebanese Kids Hits Stores

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IN A BID TO CLAW back some of the ransom money paid for the freedom of Tara Brown and the 60 Minutes crew, Nine Entertainment Co confirmed today that a book has been released detailing the experience. The gonzo journalistic account of the television presenter's time in Beirut was ghostwritten by Matthew Reilly - an...

Report concludes that Mr Bean scares the shit out of today’s children

21 April, 2015. 10:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact CHILDREN OF THE MODERN world are left shaking after watching episodes of Mr Bean, a popular BBC comedy programme which saw worldwide acclaim in the 1990s. The report was commissioned by the Australian Television Standards Committee after the received thousands of complaints about the show after in broadcast on the ABC last...

Conor McGregor’s remaining brain cells blamed for shock early retirement

20 April, 2016. 14:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact DESPITE HAVING MILLIONS OF brain cells left to lose, Irish fighter Conor McGregor has chosen to retire from all forms of professional MMA. Rumours have swelled for the proceeding 12-hours before the announcement, with confirmation coming from UFC President Dana White. The 27-year-old says he was confronted in a dream by his remaining...

Budget leaks reveal beach houses more affordable under Turnbull government

19 April, 2016. 15:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact BEACH HOUSES AND HOBBY FARMS will be cheaper to attain and maintain under a Coalition government, a series of budget leaks has revealed. The breakthrough comes after huge concessions were made to high-income earners and big business, forcing nearly all Australians out of the highly competitive holiday home market. It's good news for...

Study finds only girls like beer in clear bottles

19 April, 2016. 11:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A REPORT COMMISSIONED BY an Australian brewery has found that only girls like the taste of beer that comes packaged in clear bottles. It also recommends that Australian men who enjoy malted beverages such as Corona, Toohey's Extra Dry or XXXX Summer to walk to the nearest bathroom and look themselves in...

Barnaby Joyce and The Nationals host ‘outrageous’ house party at The Lodge

14 April, 2016. 15:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact NOW THAT MALCOLM TURNBULL HAS left the country, Barnaby Joyce and his friends from The Nationals have the keys to the kingdom - and they've thrown the biggest party at The Lodge since John Howard's infamous 17-day bender after Australia won the 1999 Cricket World Cup. Early this morning, a Tooheys Brewery...

Local Creep Stands A Bit Too Close In Otherwise Empty Row Of Urinals

13 April, 2016. 10:15 MERV HARRIS | Contributor | CONTACT In a bizarre turn, a local man chose to stand immediately next to another man at a row of vacant urinals in Betoota this afternoon. Identified only by the Sydney Roosters tattoo on his wrist, the culprit took up the position at the otherwise empty bank of amenities in a quiet suburban pub early hours...

WOW! This Filthy Tap In The Slums Of Mumbai The Key To Instant Weight Loss

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT After amazing success in the UK, North America and Canada, the most effective new weight loss craze is finally making its way to Australia! Everyone seems to be talking about Dharavi Tap Water Program! (also known as Spitty Bum Fat Burner)  - It is said to be a “Dual Action Fat Buster” that suppresses appetite and prevents fat from...

Canned Air From Turnbull’s Electorate Goes On Sale In Western Sydney

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE ASPIRATIONAL CLASS OF WESTERN Sydney no longer has to drive out to the city's far-Eastern Suburbs to get some clean ocean air and a taste of the high life - thanks to two Vaucluse brothers who say they've come up with a novel way of giving the full one-percent experience for a fraction of...

Reclaim Australia Endorses Hillary Clinton For President Of The World

5 April, 2016. 18:15 PADDY MUNRO | Contributor | CONTACT In a surprise move, local patriot Daryn Lynch passionately defended his support for US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the Pastorla Hotel last night. The Reclaim Australia member had previously announced support for republican front-runner Donald Trump, but last night changed sides after learning of Clinton’s unimpeachable record of bullying Muslims. “Mate I love trump’s wall idea, we...



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