
Christopher Pyne and Tony Abbott lock eyes from across Canberra house party dance floor

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Although parliament broke up for holidays last week, a number of leading figures in Canberra have opted to hang around for a week and unwind. Two of those leading figures are former prime minister Tony Abbott and his ex-friend Christopher Pyne - who happened to attend the same ANU Law Society house party in the...

Malcolm Roberts Jumps On Chair After Being Told The Floor Is A Rational Climate Debate

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Senator Malcolm Roberts' well-known interest in conspiracy theories has today been epitomised by his willingness to believe the floor of his Parliamentary office is a 'rational debate about climate science'. It is believed that during a rare interview with a news provider that doesn't feature a crosshair in their website logo, Roberts was rattled by the suggestion that...

Pyne Politely Informs Abbott That Everyone’s Kind Of Moved On From The Religious Stuff

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott is looking more and more likely to become the newest candidate of fellow Liberal Party outsider Cory Bernardi's new political movement, The Australian Conservatives. This comes after Turnbull's executioner, Christopher Pyne MP, was seen relaying orders from the the ruling Liberal's progressive faction. "Tony, you are a valued member. But until you drop this...

Pauline Almost Out Of Minorities To Rip On After Giving It To Those Pesky Autistic Kids

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Pauline Hanson is reportedly researching madly into different ethnic communities within Australia that she might be able to criticse next, after running low on people to discriminate against. This comes after her most recent comments about Australian children with autism. Students with disabilities should be removed from mainstream classrooms because they are putting a strain on...

Origin II: Pauline Hanson Frustrated By Complex Islander Last Names In QLD Side

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT With the NRL State Of Origin Match just around the corner, it appears that not everyone in the Sunshine State is happy with the modern game - even after an 80% win rate over the last decade. While resting her pale feet on a gas heater in Parliament house today, One Nation leader Pauline Hanson...

PM Promises He’ll Get Back To The Gay Marriage Thing When Adani Is Up And Running

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Australian Prime Minister and former supporter of marriage equality, Malcolm Turnbull, has today promised Australia's gay population - most of whom live in his own electorate - that he hasn't forgotten about their dreams of being considered worthy of marriage. In April, Turnbull joined a long list of Australian state and federal politicians who have...

Dutton Made To Clean Dishes In Parliament Kitchen To Make Up For $70M Manus Payout

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT After years of denying that life for detainees in Manus Island is anything but peachy, Immigration Minister has today been left red-faced. This comes as the Australian government was been forced to pay $70 million in compensation to more than 1900 asylum seekers detained at Manus Island in a landmark deal thought to be Australia's largest-ever human rights-related...

Abbott Begins Sending Condolences To 15% Of His Electorate

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT   A defeated Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has slinked back to his office this afternoon to begin sending apologies to the 15% of his electorate who agreed it's his stance on gay marriage. With the same-sex marriage bill passing through the lower house only minutes ago, the devout Catholic says he's sorry he couldn't do...

Pauline Says Incriminating Voice Recordings Obtained By ABC Just Typical Leftie Bias

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Just days after she called on Malcolm Turnbull to slash funding to the Australian public broadcaster,  lawyers for One Nation leader Pauline Hanson are in court attempting to gag the ABC to prevent more secret recordings made by former party treasurer Ian Nelson becoming public. Senator Hanson has lodged an injunction in the NSW Supreme Court which seeks...

“What Is It With Wogs And Cash?” Asks Airport Cop After Searching Ipswich Mayor’s Bags

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The recently-resigned Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale was allegedly stopped by police at an interstate airport with $50,000 in a bag a couple months back, just weeks before he fronted a press conference in his pyjamas and dressing gown to announce his career change. Airport cops, with the assistance of dogs, allegedly pulled aside the Sicilian Stallion as he was...



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