
91-Year-Old Aussie Digger Forced To Buy Back His Own Medals On Ebay

17 April, 2015. 15:15 J.P ELLIOT | Far North Queensland | [email protected] Decorated RAAF veteran Clive Bushnell has been reunited with his World War 2 service medals after a successful bidding war on the internet based auction house Ebay. Mr Bushnell says he accidentally stumbled them while researching "how to get service medals replaced". The medals, which include a Commendation for Distinguished Service, have been missing...

The Photo That Shows Just How Far Our Government Will Go For Coal Seam Gas

16 April, 2015. 2:15 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | [email protected] A SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPH depicting a coal seam gas fracking drill, installed no more than five kilometres from the base of Uluru, has gone viral overnight. The photo was picked up by activists after a local Indigenous community member posted it on her Facebook page. Shakyraa Hansen, a traditional owner of the Pitjantjatjara nation, posted the photo...

Anti-Vaxxer Urges Parents To Do Own Research Into Benefits Of Red And Yellow Flags

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT   Magnolia Smithers, a young mother of two from Lismore, says she is very proud to be the voice and face of the Anti-Vaccination movement Anti-Vaxxers Organise (AVO). "Vaccinations are just another government ploy to keep archaic pharmaceutical companies rich and keep us just sick enough to live with their help, but everyone already knows that," "There...

New Study Finds Over 85% Of Australian TV Viewers Dream About Assaulting David Koch

13 April, 2015. 11:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | [email protected] A new survey conducted by the Australian Centre for Sleep Hygeine and Health (ACSHH) has revealed some interesting findings surrounding Australians and their dreams. Researchers say they are astounded by the recurrence of a particular Australian television personality appearing in the dreams of a cross-section of Australian respondents. The study, which was aimed at...

Property boom forces nation’s hipsters to relocate to final frontier of Australian culture, Brisbane

11 April, 2015. 13:30 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact ONE NEWTOWN resident knew it was time to go when more local garages were being used to keep cars in than foster the local music scene. "I agree wholeheartedly in gentrification, I just don't understand why they had to come to my neighbourhood," said Banjo Clementé. In 2012, the annual combined household...

As Australia mourns, Nine vows to immortalize Benaud as a hologram commentator

“He’s usually a good puller but he couldn’t get it up that time.” - Richie Benaud   10 April, 2015. 11:50 IMRAN GASHKORI | Sports Journalist | Contact A wave of sadness and reflection sweeps across the nation as Australia farewells it’s favourite son, father, coach and grandfather. While it seems most high-profile Australian sports identities are remembered as God-like, Richie actually was. The former Australian test captain...

PETA Hires Former Kodak Directors To Guide Organisation Further Into Irrelevance

10 April, 2015. 10:15 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | [email protected] A MEMBER OF AUSTRALIAN ROCK BAND, I Killed The Prom Queen, has this week appeared in a new anti-wool campaign solicited and funded by animal rights group, PETA. The poster that Adelaide-based guitarist Jona Weinhofen appeared in has suggested that farmers who shear lambs are committing the highest form of animal cruelty, which results in...

AFP Release Sydney “Hipster” From Prison After Mistaking Him For Terrorist

9 April, 2015. 15:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | [email protected] After being held for six days without charge a Newtown man has been released in what amounted to a case of mistaken identity. The 25 year old Newtown barista, who cannot be named by order of the court, received a public apology from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) yesterday over being mistaken for...

Aussie Kickstarter Project Offers To Bury Incriminating Evidence In The Desert

Disclaimer: This is NOT satire A GRASSROOTS AUSTRALIAN NEWS and media production company have today unveiled a controversial crowd-funding campaign to raise money for the production of an upcoming Outback web series. The "rewards" they have offered to supporters are sure to spark interest. Particularly with the authorities. Have a look at the Kickstarter campaign below to see some of the shady donation prizes, which...

Elderly Couple Still A Bit Confused About That ‘Cigarette’ They Shared At Bluesfest

31 March, 2016. 17:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact After having returned from their first ever Bluesfest two days ago, Bruce and Barb Houston are still puzzled as to what on earth happened on the last night of the festival. The married couple from Toowoomba, Queensland endured a peculiar "dizzy-spell" when they decided to share their first cigarette since they both quit smoking in 1992. "I...



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