Local News

Young Couple Regret Buying First Home After Only Getting 100 Likes Between Them

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A hard-working local millennial couple has revealed the horror that dawn on the day after buying their first house when they only received 100 collective likes between them on their various social media posts. Proudly showing off their humble new three-bedroom South Betoota home, Dennis and Amanda Munro though they were in for a rainstorm...

Tech Start-Up Office Feeling Immediately Threatened As Company Hires First Woman

INGRID DOULTON | Lady Writer (On The TV) | Contact Once touted as the next tech hub of South West Queensland, Betootacone Gully ultimately failed to attract a large tech company needed to boost the local economy. But one town's loss is another man's treasure. One start-up the district did lure in was Sunplantia, a company that helps outdoor plants make the transition to indoor life -...

Local Jet-Lagged Man Only Has The Energy To Tell People He’s Jet-Lagged

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Returning from the other side of the planet with wild stories of the frontier, a local traveller crashed out around 8AM this morning after a marathon 30-hour journey home from London. As a result, Betoota Grove-resident Harley Hawthorne is jet-lagged beyond all comprehension. "I've just been on an aeroplane, in economy class, for close to two days,"...

‘Make houses cheaper!’ says Millennial that just preordered a $1829 iPhone

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A local agency person has lashed out at everyone, including homeowners, for making houses so unaffordable for young people - despite spending nearly $2000 on a new mobile phone this morning. Damien Longhurst works at a boutique, bespoke and creative agency in Betoota's Old City district. He does something on a computer and makes life...

Highway Patrolman Cuts The Small Talk And Just Says He Pulled You Over For Speeding

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact According to a recent survey, most conversations with police on the shoulder of a highway start with the eternal question: "Do you know why I pulled you over today?" The answer is invariably the same around the country. "Ah perhaps because of the speed, sir?" And the answer to that rhetorical question is always: "Yes. I've clocked you today at 193kph in a...

Man Celebrates Feeling Normal Again After Weekend By Just Having A Few

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Many of Greg Manitoba's friend told The Advocate that the 28-year-old puts the 'fun' in 'functioning alcoholic' - a loveable label the local bridge and wharf carpenter has enjoyed since finishing university. Known well around the Old City district's nightspots and day-drinking watering holes, Greg often gives it a red-hot-crack over the weekend before slithering back...

Local Girl Who Just Made The Move To Bondi Posts 17th Photo Of Bondi Icebergs To Instagram

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | Contact A South Betootanese woman who slammed her the front door closed to parents' Dennison Street Californian bungalow earlier in the year has been traced to Bondi - The Advocate can reveal. Through a four-part investigation into the missing young lady, our reporters checked her various social media accounts daily - only to discover them riddled with images of...

Local Office Person A Little Bit Too Excited For The Start Of The NFL Season

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A person that works in an office doing something with a computer has become in ire of his colleagues this afternoon because he refuses to speak about anything other than the NFL starting today. Making things worse for himself, Michael Leary even brought his 'pigskin' from home today and simply refuses to stop playing with...

Builder Shocked As Apprentice Comes Back From Bunnings With Tartan Paint, Box Of Bright Sparks

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | Contact A local builder was left bemused this week, after the apprentice returned with his impossible request. Brad Holmes, a middle aged joker from Norwood in Adelaide, chuckled to the other tradies on site when he asked the young fella to pop off down to Bunnings and get a tin of tartan paint and a box of bright sparks. He laughed with...

Report: The Boys Looking Shmick In Their Rented Tuxes At First Ever Black Tie Event

BERT MALLEY | Local | CONTACT A recent report shows that the boys actually scrub up alright when they have to. Sources close to the group are reporting that the boys are looking deadset schmick in the tuxes they rented for tonight’s engagement party at the Betoota Surf Club. The boys, who decided to “go all out for Jace and Saz’s thing”, have rocked up...



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