Local News

Hotel Staff Taken Hostage As Patrons Refuse To Acknowledge Lock-Out Laws

CLAYTON STAND | Contributor | Contact BAR AND SECURITY STAFF at Hotel Sweety’s in the Sydney CBD have been taken hostage in an apparent protest of the NSW lockout laws. Three men aged 25, 23 and 18 laid siege to the hotel after being asked to leave the licensed premises at the closing time of 3:00 am. One of the men, Lachlan Peterson, reached-out to the Betoota Advocate...

Berlin’s world famous nightlife recreated in Outback Queensland town

22 October, 2015. 8:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact ALTHOUGH OFFICIALLY BANNED in 2007, smoking in bars, cafes and restaurants is still permitted albeit tolerated in nearly every public space in Berlin. In addition to this mind-bending reality faced by hundreds of bemused travellers everyday, patrons are also given a long leash when it comes to where they consume booze and...

Man banned from hotel after squishing meat pie into pokie machine

9 October, 2016. 14:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A NORTH BETOOTA man has been banned for life from the Betoota Hotel after growing frustrated with his favourite "brickie's laptop". The man allegedly forced the meat pie he was eating up the machine's note acceptor, causing minor damage and a major inconvenience to the barmen. After hotel staff made the gruesome discovery, local...

Reclaim Australia Movement Declares “War On The Betoota Advocate”

11 September, 2015. 05:00 SPECIAL REPORT| Contact The Betoota Advocate has today been informed that we are to expect an abundance of hate mail and offensive vitriol from the controversial Australian cultural activists known as Reclaim Australia. The anti-Islamic "Aussie Pride" group has today urged tens of thousands of members to "troll" our humble small-town newspaper, after taking offence at several articles...

Rolf Harris, Border Force and dry humping all have something in common

4 September, 2015. 11:04 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IT'S NOT THAT they're all embarrassing now, all of these horrible things were discussed this week in the Betoota Advocate podcast. After a report was released by Her Majesty's Prison Service earlier this week, The Advocate sent Errol Parker to the UK to investigate claims that British entertainer Rolf Harris was being...

The Betoota Races and the weekend that was

31 August, 2015. 15:05 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IT WAS SUPPOSED to be a magical day. Over the weekend, the wider Betootanese community welcomed thousands of revellers into the Outback Republic. We received a number of phone calls and emails, asking where we were. So today, we're introducing our latest evolution in infographic journalism. In case you were wondering where we were...

Federal Government Drops Legal Action Against The Betoota Advocate

28 August, 2015. 16:45 STANLEY WORTHINGTON | Sydney Correspondent | Contact THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has dropped legal action against The Betoota Advocate which paves the way for their groundbreaking podcast to be broadcast into the future. Initially, the government issued a number of cease and desist notices to the independent news organisation over concerns their internet news bulletin was "biassed" toward rural issues. Late this...

Betoota Advocate on ASIO watch-list after controversial radio broadcast

In an interesting turn of events, the Betoota Advocate would like to announce today that both our editors Errol Parker and Clancy Overell have been informed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation that they are currently being "watched" after a controversial radio broadcast this morning. Not even two weeks since they joined the ranks at conservative talkback radio station, 2GB. The broadcast,...

The Editors of The Betoota Advocate Have Joined 2GB Radio

10 August, 2015. 11:13   In an interesting turn of events, the Betoota Advocate would like to announce this morning that both our editors Errol Parker and Clancy Overell will be joining the 2GB presenter stable, just two weeks after our bold transition into online podcasts   Last weekend saw the Betoota Advocate website briefly crash due to the hysteria surrounding our debut podcast. Our synopsis...

The Betoota Advocate Has Been Forced To Apologise To Australian Readers

3 August, 2015. 11:00 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact The Betoota Advocate would like to apologise to our loyal readership for an unfortunate publishing decision that was made public over the weekend. On Friday the 31st of July, Our debut "weekly news wrap" was released via podcast on our website. It would seem The Advocate's synopsis of both the Adam Goodes saga and...



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