Woman Who Lives 1000 Km From Nearest Immigrant Is Absolutely Fed Up With Them
Local woman, Wendy Laidley (58) has never ever seen a Sudanese person in real life, but she says from what she's seen on the news, coming out of one of these cities down south, they are absolutely out of control.
The 2007 death of a nearby Polish-born cafe-owner, Zuzzanna, meant that everyone within 1000 kilometres of Wendy's was officially...
Serbian Baba Puts On Entire Lamb, 7 chickens Because She’s Expecting Guests For Arvo Tea
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
If Jelena Brankovich was heading to her partner's family home for afternoon tea today, she'd be lucky to get a boiled egg and a cigarette.
But this afternoon, the 24-year-old drug and alcohol counsellor and her partner were treated to a sizable feast that can only be reasonable if you were raised under communism.
"There was an...
Bloke’s day ruined by running into someone he kinda knows but not really
30 January, 2016. 11:34
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Venturing from his cubicle isn't something Michael Halpin does too often during the day - but today he had good reason to.
Hopping out of bed yesterday morning in a sickly wobbly state, he trod on his fiance's glasses that by no fault of hers - were on the floor at the...
Nation Excitedly Awaits New Season Of “I Have A Kinda Big Insta Following! Get Me Some Work”
Last night Channel Ten debuted what has been the longest ever advertisement for South African Tourism in the shape of their new reality TV show "I have a medium-sized social media presence! Get me some work".
The program managed to pull in over 1.1 million viewers less than half the amount of people than tuned it to watch two...
Australian Open Organisers Add A Bit Of ‘Flayva’ With Pre-Match Electric Violin
PUTNEY SWOPE| Non-Contact Sports | CONTACT
As the end of the 2017 Australian Open drew to a climatic close, a nation of spectators stood silently in emotions other than awe.
After having an extremely lukewarm rendition of Cindy Lauper’s “I See Your True Colours” preface the women’s finals Saturday night, the audience members of Rod Laver Arena, and unfortunately the wider world...
Warnie Won’t Hand Over Rights To Mini-Series Unless He’s Portrayed By A Hemsworth
Following the news that The Seven Network is set to put a telemovie about 'the women, the parties and the many lives' of Australian cricketer Shane Warne into production, the subject himself has refused to hand over any of the rights unless he is 'represented accurately'.
By this, he means, the actor playing Shane Keith Warne must...
Bloke jogging on the spot at traffic light not impressing anyone
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Brendan Poon's friends have always known him to be a bit of a fitness fanatic. His mother bought him his first pair of running shoes at age 7 and since then, he's barely stopped to catch his breath.
The Lyneham local's penchant for all things cardio has him in his doctor's good books and his...
Coworker With A Black Eye Who Reeks Of Rum Claims He Was Playing Club Rugby In Early January
Local white collar employee, Brad Parker (32) is boldly claiming that he played a 'one-off' rugby match for his local club on a Monday night.
"Love to have a bit of a trot" he says, while covering his grazed knuckles.
"I've got a big group of close mates who play too. We went out Saturday and...
Mooloolaba currently under siege by young men and women in country attire
26 January, 2016. 16:34
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A dolphin has gone missing from the Sea Life Sunshine Coast attraction. The gamble buttons on Pelican Pete, Where's The Gold and Queen of the Nile have been worn down to the nub. A second-year leading hand was rushed to hospital last night after accidently ingesting Bacardi instead of Bundy.
"It's absolute...
Michael Clarke Brings Back The Frosted Tips To Mend Post-Career Slump In Popularity
After learning that a lot of people listening to his Channel Nine cricket commentary aren't really enjoying it, Michael Clarke has gone into damage control today, with a rebrand on the horizon.
"Maybe it was the fact that I snitched on everyone in my autobiography, maybe it's because cricket was the only thing people liked...