The Nation

Chinese Investors Not Too Interested In Caboolture

25 January, 2016 10:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Earlier this year, Treasurer Scott Morrison has approved the sale of Australia’s largest dairy farming business, the Van Diemen’s Land Company (VDL), to the Chinese-owned Moon Lake Investments. VDL, which dates from 1825, owns and operates 25 dairy farms in Tasmania, milking some 18,000 cows. The $280 million dollar sale has left both economists, politicians and farmers...

Malcolm Turnbull Secures The I’m-Worried-My-Son-Might-Be-A-Poof Vote

24 January, 2016 11:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has today been praised by blokey dads around the nation, after he requested an investigation into a taxpayer-funded program aimed at helping lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and/or intersex (LGBTI) school students. The Safe Schools education program is set to be reviewed following fierce criticism from some Coalition backbenchers, many of whom had...

Religious Extremism Less Likely In Western QLD Because God Left That Place A Long Time Ago

23 January, 2016 10:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Banjo Paterson once wrote about the Barcoo shire in Western Queensland. The opening line of of his 1890 poem "A Bush Christening" gives profile to the district: "On the outer Barcoo where the churches are few, And men of religion are scanty" In the century and a half since this poem was written, nothing has changed. Other than...

NSW Government Warns Of An Outbreak Of The Redfern Bindi

19 February, 2016. 15:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THERE'S NO NEED TO BE alarmed, that's the message from the NSW government as they battle to contain a potential outbreak of the often fatal Redfern bindi-eye. Thought the be extinct since the early 2000's, this latest environmental disaster has got officials worried. Two years ago, a pleasant young man from Bellevue Hill...

Townsville Man Accused Of Being A Cop After Wearing Closed-In Shoes To The Pub

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT After an early knock-off from work, Townsville man Clyde Barber has been forced to bag and take-away his usual five long-necks of XXXX Bitter from the local pub - Instead of drinking them there. Mr Barber says he did not feel welcome in the Kennedy Hotel's public bar this afternoon, after being met with a hostile reception when a...

Courtney Barnett Criticised Over Allegations That She’s Exploiting Bogans For Profit

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Melbourne woman, Shona Birkenstock (22) will be eating Cornflakes and Mi Goreng noodles for the next week, after purchasing 4 x pints of Melbourne Bitter for $14.90 each, at a Courtney Barnett gig over the weekend. "I don't even care. It was so worth it," says the young woman who is currently in her third year of a diploma...

Wyatt Roy’s set at The Met blew the socks off Brisbane’s underground dance scene

18 February, 2016. 16:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact TAKING INSPIRATION FROM FRENCH electronic dance music heavyweights Justice and Madeon, the Member for Longman brought the house down last night at Brisbane's infamous Met nightclub. It was a marathon set, consisting of nearly 40 original mixes over three hours. You'd be forgiven for think that the political journeyman's set was in protest...

Donald Trump’s Presidential Running Mate Is An Old Mate Of His

18 February, 2016 14:45 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact TODAY ISN'T UNLIKE ANY OTHER day on the US presidential campaign trail, but it'll go down in history as one of the most controversial. Putting aside their differences for the first time in years, Republican hopeful Donald Trump has today announced that he's chosen to run with world wrestling magnate and former business partner, Vince McMahon. The...

Cyclists caught without helmets will be forced to become organ donors

16 February, 2016. 15:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IN A MOVE TO BOTH unclutter our roads and give Australians a second chance at life, any cyclist caught without a helmet in NSW will be forced to enrol as an organ donor, says the health department. Motorcyclists and cyclists donate more organs than the rest of the population put together, but...

Alan Jones Politely Asks His Driver To Avoid Redfern On The Way To Work This Morning

16 January, 2016 11:25 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Radio shock-jock Alan Jones has today asked his driver, Fabian, to kindly avoid driving through the suburbs of Redfern and Waterloo on his way to work this morning. "Basically he wanted me to avoid all suburbs with an Indigenous population," Fabian told BuzzFeed Reporters shortly after dropping Mr Jones off to the 2GB offices in...



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