The Nation

CSIRO Report Shows Australia’s Greatest Sportsmen Love Getting Fucked Up

20 July, 2016. 16:10 IMRAN GASHKORI | Sports Journalist | Contact As most fans would have guessed, another year of Australian sport means another busy year for Australian police and the Australian media. Former AFL star Ben Cousins making headlines again with his decade long struggles with addiction as well an alleged sextape/cocaine scandal ready to fly in the NRL - our greats are doing...

BREAKING: NT Police on the hunt for “croc killer” shark

13 March, 2015. 15:01 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact POLICE NEAR DARWIN are once again on the lookout for a "shark of biblical proportions"  after the remains of a 17-metre crocodile were spotted from the air. Officials from Charles Darwin University and the NT Police have confirmed that the crocodile was attacked by a "super-sized marine predator". Teams are currently attempting to...

Female Housemate Forced To Squat Above Toilet Bowl

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact A 23-year old living in the Brisbane suburb of West End has opened up to The Betoota Advocate today about the grim state of affairs for women living in predominantly-male sharehouses. "I live with four guys. Two work in construction, one works in real estate and the other is a full-time student," "They are all single,...

‘Britain’s white jihadi’ – A gap year gone bad

10 March, 2015. 12:33 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact The Islāmic State recruit the British media decried as "Britain's White Jihadi" in December, proclaiming he was a "major coup for the terrorist group", is actually a skinny, baby-faced boy from Lane Cove in Sydney's north shore, who's in Northern Syria completing his expedition and community service components for his Gold Duke of Edinburgh (DOE) award. The...

Abbott Government embraces International Women’s Day with “Guidelines To Female Happiness”

8 March, 2015. 15:03 INGRID DOULTON (OAM) | Professor of Women's Issues | Contact A GOVERNMENT-FUNDED report was leaked via Wikileaks this morning, outlining measures that Australian women could take in order to achieve unbridled happiness.   Launched to coincide with International Women's Day, the study is the latest attempt by the government to try to solve the 'unhappy women' problem that has dogged the Abbott...

Struggling Lightning Ridge grazier makes millions selling dead organic lambs to yuppies

5 March, 2015. 12:05 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE LATE SUMMER rain was widespread enough to prevent drought-affected areas getting even drier, except for Lighting Ridge. It's nothing new for the locals, who've grown accustom to going without water. As many people around the country have come to learn over the years, if it doesn't rain on farmland, things "go to shit" quite...

Ordinary man dies “lonely but awesome rock star death” in Darwin

4 March, 2015. 15:06 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact POLICE ARE investigating the death of a 27-year-old Darwin man after his body was discovered this morning in a Coconut Grove apartment. Blake John Harding was found with a number of empty beers cans and drug paraphernalia scattered around the residence. Detectives have concluded that the man may have died "an awesome rock...

Entire scaffolding industry of Queensland on strike over ban on kava

26 February, 2015. 15:30 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact One of Queensland's most tight-knit construction communities have this week announced plans to go on strike over the government's controversial new measures to monitor the transportation and personal consumption of the psychoactive southern Pacific plant, Kava. The consumption of kava is a cultural tradition for a vast number of Polynesian and Micronesian communities based...

Plans to replace Centrelink with euthanasia clinics gain traction

25 February, 2015. 15:04 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact MORE THAN half the recipients of the disability support and unemployment pensions could be targeted for voluntary euthanasia from next June. A landmark report into the country’s ballooning $150 billion annual welfare burden, released today, says the cost to the nation is becoming unmanageable unless people are put back to work or removed from...

“Only idiots play the pokies” says man with thirteen online betting accounts

25 February, 2015. 12:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact   NORTH BETOOTA man, Rick Comino, says that he is a man of many vices, but poker machines are not one of them. "It's just so sad that they fill the pubs full of these things knowing that some idiot is going to put his whole pay check through them" "I used to play...



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