![Barnaby teeth whitening](https://www.betootaadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Barnaby-teeth-whitening-1.jpg)
The recently-povo former Deputy Prime Minister Of Australia has today gone the same route as any other public figure who is actually struggling financially behind the scenes.
This follows Barnaby’s most recent spate of headlines which resulted after he drew comparisons between his recent financial hurdles and the indignity suffered by those attempting to get by on stagnant welfare payments.
The member for New England, who is breaking ranks with his Reaganist coalition colleagues by calling for the rate of Newstart to increase, earns a base wage of $211,250 and receives an extra $23,237 for being the chairman of the parliamentary committee on industry, innovation, science and resources. He pockets an electorate allowance of $46,000 a year, paid directly into his bank account.
It is supposed to cover the costs of travelling in his electorate for the year, but Mr Joyce is able to keep money he does not spend and the payment is not audited.
However, with six kids spread across two households in two different towns, plus a pad in Canberra, Joyce has had to look for other ways to earn a bit of side dosh.
Aside from his return-and-earn hustle, the Nationals MP is also utilising his 6k+ Instagram followers, in a micro-influencer capacity.
In his most recent Instagram post, Mr Joyce appears to be spruiking the benefits of a scientifically unsound form of home-teeth-bleaching.
“So a lot of you guys have been asking me how I maintain my pearly whites while also smoking a pack of darts a day and drinking roughly 40 schooner of beer per week…” reads the caption.
“Not to mention the International Roast I hammer at the driver revivers between my electorate and Canberra”
“Well, if you are like me, it can be really hard to find a couple minutes a day to brush your teeth. This is why I use for BleachedPeach teeth whitening”
While Joyce’s most recent influencer promo work appears like it may be veering towards grey-area corruption, the member for New England says he shouldn’t be criticised for promoting Australian-made products.
“These devices are all made from some Australian material-made, and boxed in Australia” he said.
“Use the promo code BETROOTER to get 20% off!”