ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

The unsinkable Barnaby Joyce has been sent through the dip again by Nationals leader David Littleproud this morning after comments made over the weekend by the Member for New England put him in hot water – again.

Speaking to a crowd of anti-windfarm demonstrators in the New South Wales Illawarra, Mr Joyce compared their vote in the upcoming Federal Election to “bullets” and the ballot box as a “magazine”.

While Barnaby has since apologised for his clunky metaphor, Nationals powerbrokers want the issue treated at the source.

“You know, you can’t really treat foot-in-mouth disease with a dip. Don’t tell Barnaby that,” said Mr Littleproud to The Advocate this morning via wireless telephone.

“It’s a viral infection. The dip does fuck all. Well, it’ll knock the ticks and itch mite off him. Drop the lice off if there is any. He doesn’t look flyblown but then again, he’s just been shorn. So we’ll see,”

“We’ve run him up with a mob of Mark Coulton’s wethers today. Fucked old 8 tooth things with a mouth of full of broken teeth. Proper pollie sheep, you’d seldom see worse sheep out at Warialda. Barnaby, we got him in this morning and he’s got a mouth full of scabs. No good, we put him through the dip and put him out with horses. Horse can’t catch it from sheep or cattle. Maybe they can catch it from humans, who knows. Who cares?”

The Advocate reached out to Mr Joyce’s office for comment but were told he was getting dipped.

More to come.


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