In some breaking news from Canberra this afternoon, the Prime Minister is officially tweakin.
This comes after he fronted the media again in an effort to position himself for a run at being the guy who ‘opens up Australia’ after he shut the thing down in the first place.
However, while the Head of Marketing is hopeful of this political spin, as every single comment on Instagram can reveal; nah, he tweakin.
If you haven’t read a comments section on Instagram this fine Thursday, it’s a trend that’s taken the platform by storm.
Initially sparked by Lil Nas X getting angry about Tony Hawk being able to use blood in his skateboard after he copped shit for trying to put it in sneakers, Instagram bots and people have now jumped on the craze.
All though probably not as humorous as the ‘munyano’ craze that swept TikTok a little while back, the comments have given a few people a bit of a pointless and somewhat nihilistic laugh throughout the day.
While it started out in the comments sections of meme pages, it has now successfully reached all the way to the top, with confirmation that the Prime Minister?
Nah he tweakin.