As of September this month, The Australian Bureau of Statistics will be conducting the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey – a non-binding, very expensive process aimed at capturing a sample of opinions, when it comes to changing the Marriage Act to include same-sex couples.
However, despite the feel good campaigning, both the ABS and the Electoral Commission hold grave concerns about a number of people under the age of 40 who will actually be involved in this process.
A spokesperson for AEC has today said that with share-housing, transient employment, and a blatant disinterest in politics – a large number of young people in Australia are not enrolled to vote – despite having such vocal opinions on politics.
“Please. Stop whingeing and just enrol. Otherwise the entire sample will be made up of God-fearing Baby Boomers who just want to be able to say the word ‘poofter’ again without having to look over their shoulder”
“A Facebook Filter does not count as a vote. Neither does an angry Facebook status, or a rainbow flag out front of your cute little terrace house”
Local Gen-Y, Tristian Peiterson (24) says this whole gay marriage debate is so embarrassing to him, as someone who travels a lot between hospitality stints.
“It’s just so stupid, majority of young people are 100% in support of it” he says, while smoking marijuana, which he also thinks should be legal.
However, Tristian says they don’t make it easy for him to vote.
“I seriously thought I just had to click on that ‘Love Is Love’ Facebook logo and that was it”
“What the hell. How the fuck do you post a letter? Do I have to call someone?”
To participate in the survey you need to be correctly enrolled by 24 August 2017. You can check your enrolment, enrol or update your enrolment details.
Visit the ABS website or call 1800 572 113 (7 days, 8 am – 8 pm local time in Australia) for more information.