In the most recent protests to take over our city streets with next to zero media coverage, it seems that the people of Melbourne have taken issue with a war expo being held on 9/11 – in the same week as the Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide releases it’s findings.

The only news reports to come from this civil unrest has been the headlines criticising the old fashioned tactics taken by the protestors, which include throwing the manure from police horses back at the wall of cops who had been dispersed to stop them.

The general public had just assumed Melbourne was protesting against any of the foreign wars currently taking place, rather than the actual people who are getting rich from said wars.

Very little has been reported on the actual subject of these protests, which is the bizarre Land Forces International Land Defence Expo – which is running from the 11th to 13th of September at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The event attracts hundreds of defence personnel from around the world to the showcase the newest in human-killing technology, with more than 800 domestic and international companies selling themselves to governments and organisations.

Military tanks, heavy-duty trucks and semi-automatic guns are on display for all attendees to ummm and ahhh over which specific killing machines they should spend billions of tax-payer dollars on purchasing.

It is not known why this event was hosted in the same notably pacifist city that saw nearly 1 million people hit the streets to protest against Australia’s involvement in the Iraq war.

However, it has given the Victorian Police the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with some old fashioned lefties. As opposed to the neo-nazis and anti-lockdown cookers that they’ve been battling throughout the last decade.

This is a real throwback for the police, who much prefer butting heads with hippies and greenies.

It is estimated between 2,000 and 3,000 protestors have turned up each day of this expo, who had contend with 1,800 police officers who had been ordered to stop them from humiliating the billionaires and government officials who were inside the Melbourne Convention Centre, marvelling at the newest human-killing technology on display.


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