If you haven’t been exposed to Australia’s joyful commercial news networks throughout the last 24 hours, then you wouldn’t know that the Albanese Government is set to be obliterated at the next Federal Election.

Regardless of what you think about the electability of Peter Dutton, or the fractured state of a Federal Opposition poisoned by pre-selection dramas and far-right conspiracist factions – the fact remains:

Albo is done.

It’s all over.

As we learnt over the weekend, the 249,345 people who live in the Northern Territory, of which roughly 100,000 are actually registered voters, have decided to elect a political party that isn’t Labor.

This now means that Albanese can no longer claim that the entire Australian mainland is run by Labor at both level of government.

Because the Northern Territory’s conservatives will now form majority government with maybe 16 seats, led by Lia Finocchiaro, who will now go by the title of ‘Chief Minister’.

The CLP have fired the first bullet in what is expected to be a short and sharp nationwide uprising against Labor, leaving them with only 5 seats

It is believed the Northern Territory Labor Party was unable to convince the crime-riddled NT voters that they took youth offenders as seriously as the party that was promising to send children to boot camps.

This was the difference in a isolated and fed up territory plagued by social issues that were exasperated after literally all public services were redirected to a pandemic response for 4 years.

And if it’s anything to go by, which it definitely is according to the right-wing pundits that have became the nation’s last remaining mainstream political commentators following a colossal brain-drain from Australia’s commercial media networks, this means that Albanese will lose the next Federal election too.

The fact that the Country Liberal Party was reduced to just two seats in the NT Parliament at the 2016 election, in the middle of the Federal Coalition’s 9-year grasp of power in Canberra, is irrelevant.

The tide is turning. And this remote administrative division with a population smaller than Geelong are but the first of many that will be booting Labor

There was also four seats that went to Independent MPs who were elected by the voters who disagreed with both parties views that sentencing at-risk young people to a life in a jail cell as young as possible is the only way to stop them from stealing cars and going for joyrides because their lives are miserable and they feel like nobody gives a fuck about them.

Peter Dutton better get himself a tailored MJ Bale suit, because he’s about to become the bloke we send to the White House on our behalf.


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