Local Baby Boomer Cheryl Clermont (62) says the idea of legalising cannabis sounds a bit too much like a fun time for the kids, and therefore she is naturally opposed to it.
“We just don’t know the effects that this drug I haven’t used since the seventies could have on young people” she said.
“It’s like gay marriage. We can’t just throw our arms in the air and let young people dictate a way of life that I am not 100% familiar with”
This comes after Greens leader Richard Di Natale wants Australia to legalise cannabis for personal use, regulated by a federal agency. This proposal is for legalisation of recreational use for relaxation and pleasure, not to treat a medical condition -which is already legal in Australia for some conditions.
However, Cheryl says that she still defiantly orders cabs instead of Ubers because the natural progression of industry and destigmatisation of societal taboos are something she’s never had to consider before, and quite frankly it’s something she shouldn’t have to consider.
“What’s next? Legalise driverless cars? That would mean I’d have to learn which buttons to push in one of those Teslas – I just don’t like it”
“This is why my husband and I are multiple homeowners and none of these kids can afford a one bedroom apartment. They are too caught up on trying to derive some form of quality of life through convenience and recreational activities”
“Unless it’s the opening hours of pubs. These venues are getting ridiculous”
At time of press, Cheryl was being video taped racial abusing an Asian woman on public train in what she describes as a simple request for them to speak English when in Australia.