The uniquely Australian voting demographic that has put self-interest at the centre of every single election since Gough Whitlam promised them free university, has today vowed that they have one more fight left in them.

This comes as the Prime Minister refuses to hose down reports that the Treasury has drawn up options to reform the Negative Gearing tax expemptions that have played such a drastic part in turning the universal right to housing into a ponzi scheme that only benefits baby boomer investors and foreign crime cartels who are looking to wash money.

Labor took negative gearing and capital gains tax changes to the 2019 election, but were destroyed by a coordinated and unprecedented smear campaign Bill Shorten from both the Liberal Party, the National Party, the Murdoch media and Channel Nine.

The fear that Labor’s egalitarian approach to housing could strip media barons and Liberal Party donors of their Costello-given right to hoard wealth was too much to bare. There was only one thing they could do: fight tooth and nail to keep Australia’s dumbest and laziest Prime Minister in power. Scott Morrison called it a miracle on election night – because even he thought older Australians were smarter than that.

But it seems that it isn’t about intelligence at all. It’s purely about greed. Which is why this same generation has issued a warning to Prime Minister Albanese today.

This particular generation – also known as ‘The Baby Boomers’ – have been heavily criticised over the last thirty years for their inability to look past their own retirement, which many of them believe should have been the day they turned 55, until they turned 55 and realised golf wasn’t actually that fun.

Despite their sense of entitlement, many refuse to leave their high-powered positions in the corporate sector and free up the crowded housing market by selling their unnecessarily large 5 bedroom homes, and subsequent investment properties and fucking off to the coast or country like the middle class generations before them did.

But regardless of their reputation as the most spoilt generation in Australian history, the boomers remain confident in their ability to still move the dial at the 2025 election. And if the Liberals are too useless to protect their tax loopholes, then they will go lower than Albanese ever thought they could. Prime Minister Hanson.


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