Local woman Hunter Greste (27) hadn’t lived with a boyfriend before moving into her new one bedroom apartment.

Her boyfriend, Dimmy (28), is a dream to cohabitate with.

Despite being Greek, Dimmy is not burdened by the same mommy’s boy ailments as his fellow hellenic brothers. This means he knows how to make a bed and clean the dishes, despite only being in his late 20s.

But there is one troubling personality trait that Hunter is going to have to get used to. And it’s not specifically a Greek thing. It’s a boy thing.

Dimmy must know about every single thing that has happened in the history world. And with the invention of smart phones, he now has the means to do this.

Last night, as Hunter was glued to the season finale of Bridgerton that she was certain they were both watching – it became clear that Dimmy was deep in Wikipedia again.

He’s isn’t looking up facts about London Regency era of the early 1800s. Or the film and tv discogoraphy of Julie Andrews, who he has also pointed out is the same chick from the Sound of Music and The Princess Diaries.

He’s not reading about anything remotely relevant to what is happening in the living room of his apartment at 9pm on a weeknight.

“What are you reading about?” asks Hunter, before Dimmy sheepishly puts his phone down, but Hunter DID say she was interested.

“I don’t care. I’m just interested” she says.

Dimmy still appears deeply ashamed of the historical rabbit hole he just found himself in

“Did you know the Falklands war was the only time in military history that a Nuclear Submarine has a sunk another ship in combat”

“The submarine was the HMAS Conquerer. The British obviously. They had far more fire power.”

“The ship that sunk was the called Belgrano, originally a U.S. Navy cruiser commissioned in 1938 as the USS Phoenix. Can you believe this poor thing had survived the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour and all that fighting in the Pacific Theatre, only to be sold to Argentina in 1951 and sunk by an underwater vessel that hadn’t even been invented it changed hands from the allies”

Hunter is both blown away, disappointed and unsurprised at the same time.

“What!?” she says.

Dimmy takes this as a request for more information

“332 Argentines drowned. Most of them were conscripts.”

When asked how the fuck he found himself researching this niche two-month conflict over disputed territories in 1982, Dimmy says he doesn’t know.


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