Not only are the entire 120,000 members of the CFMEU fully-fledged bikies, but they are now also anti-semitic.

That’s according to the last 48 hours of hysterical media coverage that has followed the unauthorised union rallies that took place across the country on Tuesday.

Over half a million different trade union members from an array of different organisations gathered in Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney in support of the CFMEU, which has been forced into administration by the Federal Government.

At least 270 CFMEU officials have also been removed from their positions in the union in the wake of allegations by Nine newspapers and the 60 Minutes program that a handful of union members from the Melbourne branch had links to bikie gangs.

The fact that this union was placed into administration before the police were even able to confirm the allegations that were tablled during the media smear campaign has only poured petrol on the fire, as Labor’s once most rusted-on voters accuse both the Federal and State Governments of ‘a betrayal that will not be forgotten, nor forgiven’

Unfortunately, this nationwide display of inpenetrable working class solidarity has all been undone by what the media has described as ‘sickening’ and ‘disgusting’ symbols.

A cartoon caricature of Anthony Albanese as Hitler with the tagline “Albanazi” on a sign, held by one individual CFMEU protester at the Brisbane rally, has sparked outrage and prompted calls for a police investigation into the use of outlawed hate symbols.

While depicting Albanese as Adolf Hitler for placing unfairly placing the entire construction arm of the CFMEU into administration may be considered a slight over-reach, it has only been matched by the media suggestions that this entire protest was deeply-rooted in anti-Jewish conspiracy.

However, the CFMEU understands that while ‘Albanazi’ is a pretty classic nickname, that kind of emotive language can be easily misinterpreted by a media and political class that has been ordered to crush their movement by property developers.

“We apologise for that sign, and only that sign” read a statement for the CFMEU.

“From now on we will only refer to that treacherous class traitor as ‘Albusto Pinochet’ – which is a double entendre. Because, you see, it likens him to the fascist chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, while also playing on the his new union-busting mandate”

“We will not be apologising for referring to [ACTU boss] Sally McManus as Sally McThatcher. That is a fucking crack up, and one that we stand by”


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