Despite the desperate delusions of the Melbourne media and his most critical voters, Dan Andrews is set to remain Premier of Victoria for the next ten elections at least.

Given the reputation that Labor government’s have for descending into corrupt dictatorships after more than ten years in uninterrupted power, this political prediction is not necessarily very good news.

But unfortunately for both ends of the political spectrum, it’s a fact.

While there are swathes of voters who will never forgive Andrews for the excessive 300 day lockdown, and a very minor segment of the population who pretend to care about the last-minute cancellation of the Commonwealth Games, no amount of finger-pointing or rumour-mongering will be able to bring an end to his reign.

Not when faced with an opposition like the Victorian Liberal Party.

The poor man left to hose down the embers of the Victorian Liberals existential explosion, John Pesutto MP looks to have the most difficult task in Australian politics.

Today it was reported that mediation between Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto and exiled MP Moira Deeming has so far failed, with the stoush between the pair moving closer to the subject of legal action.

Ms Deeming threatened to sue Mr Pesutto for defamation after he linked her to Nazi sympathisers during a move to expel her from the parliamentary Liberal team.

She joins a long list of Liberal MPs who lost their fucking minds during the pandemic, with the party now racking up a wrap sheet that ranges from extreme drink driving to the full blown peddling of conspiracies and misinformation.

Meanwhile from the sidelines, the Jeff Kennetts and Peter Costellos never miss an opportunity to highlight how much more electable the party was when the born-to-rule boomers were the decisionmakers, ignoring the fact that this currently toxic institution of stuffed shirt Melbourne Toffs was finely curated by the previous generation of Liberals who actively avoided recruiting any candidates who might appeal to working females, let alone anyone with a bit of melanin.

However, all is not lost for the Victorian Liberal Party, as they still have the option to follow the Rugby Australia model of sacking whoever is in charge for a quick sugar hit and a mild bump in public confidence.

Perhaps the last two leaders they’ve rotated in and out twice might be able to bring the change they need to overthrow a teflon Premier that very few people openly admit to voting for.

Dan Andrew has not confirmed nor denied whether or not he plans to stay in the job until he is 83.



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