Opposition leader Peter Dutton is on his way to Israel, where he will meet with senior members of the Israeli government, and strengthen ties with the country.

Dutton has said the trip is important for both and Australia and himself, as it is his mission to better acquaint himself with the beautiful landscape and proud people of the majestic Eastern Mediterranean Jewish state, which is vastly different to Lebanon just 400 kilometres North, which is one of ‘those kinds’ of countries that he thinks we should not accept immigrants from, and in fact, has openly stated how much he regrets the actions of Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser in the 1970s when he decided to let a bunch of them in.

In the past few months, Dutton has criticised Prime Minister Albanese’s approach to warfare currently being waged in the region, accusing the government of “tarnishing” and “damaging irreparably” Australia’s relationship with Israel.

In a statement on Monday, Mr Dutton said he would meet Israeli officials as well as members of the community, in an attempt to better understand both the country and the wider Jewish diaspora, particularly Australia’s Jewish community, most of whom will continue to vote for the Teal independent MPs that snatched six blue ribbon Liberal electorates from his party at the 2022 election and actually find him quite repulsive.

“The connections between Australia and Israel are deep and abiding,” Mr Dutton said.

“Today, Australia and Israel have a strong bilateral relationship traversing trade, agriculture, technology, security and more.”

“I look forward to learning more not just about the Jewish state, but also the Jewish people, because as a lot of you would be aware, the Queensland Liberal Party, of which I am and a member, have never pre-selected someone of that faith. And the NSW Liberal Party that usually runs the country took until 2016 to allow a Jewish MP within their ranks?”

“Why is that? If we are the good guys, then why has it taken us this long to officially allow Jews into the Coalition? And have we even done that? I know for a fact the Nationals haven’t. Christ alive you should hear some of the jokes that these old Nats wheel out after a couple bottles of Koonunga Hill at the Manuka Public Bar of an evening”

“This must stop. We aren’t the baddies. The baddies are the women protesting with scarves on their heads and the Heartbreak High looking uni students. The Liberals love the Jews. In fact, if you look at our treatment of the Maronite Lebos in our party, you could argue we love the Jews more than Christians. That says a lot. Because Australia is a Christian nation after all. Wait are we still saying that? I can’t keep up with the electoral strategy. Wait, actually, I think I’m meant to say we respect everyone’s right to believe in a religion. But especially Judaism and Christianity. Unless they are Arab Christians. Or Arab Jews? I think we’ve got a few of them too. I dunno. Just be scared of Muslims again please”

The statement ended with a string of ineligible characters, suggesting Dutton had been physically removed from his keyboard as he pushed send.


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