History is repeating itself in New South Wales, as the state’s Liberal Party division is once again being cucked by the more-important higher-ups from Canberra.

The party’s Federal heavyweights have taken control of the NSW Liberals, after the recent local council nominations fuck up – which resulted in dozens of Liberal nominees missing out on the ballot.

This comes after a report into the council fiasco was written by former federal party director Brian Loughnane, who is also the husband of the deranged Sky News pundit Peta Credlin, which formed the basis of the federal executive’s decision.

However, this take-over has caught quite a lot of people by surprise. Even the current NSW Opposition leader, Mark Speakman MP, has revealed that nobody from within the Liberal Party told him about the federal executive’s motion to oversee operations in NSW.

The fundamentalist Christian geriatrics who make up the NSW Liberal Party membership are reportedly furious at the news, with the yellowing local branches now playing host to even more brazen conspiracy theories than usual.

However, Federal Leader Peter Dutton has defended the federal takeover of the NSW division, saying the party “needs to be functional”.

It is not clear whether Dutton is more concerned about the culture of incompetency that has seen the Liberal Party miss out of nominating candidates in local council elections, or the fact that the NSW Division seems intent doing all they can to make sure not one woman secures pre-selection at a state or Federal level. Even if it means literally voting for alleged pedophiles over any assertive female candidates.

Regardless, this dramatic take-over has occurred just in time for the pre-selection processes that will decide which NSW candidates will be representing the Liberal Party at the 2025 Federal Election.

Can the Federal Liberals match the standard of political genius that Scott Morrison sent out to defeat the Teals in 2022, like the superbly talented anti-trans activist Katherine Deves?

With a far-right out-of-towner like Peter Dutton now able to make captain’s calls on the NSW candidates, voters are excited to meet the white supremacist investment bankers will soon become household names leading in the 2025 election.


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