A local film connoisseur has today made the mistake of enjoying ‘The Joker’ – after convincing herself it was a foreign film.

This comes after the opening weekend of a new movie exploring the origins of DC comic book villain The Joker, which has left many critics divided.

However, according to 24-year-old film student Candice Brontè, there is a ‘big difference between films and movies’

“I originally thought The Joker was just going to be one of those shitty blockbusters that other people like but I hate… Like Wolf Of Wall Street” she says, before descending into full blown classism.

“But it turns out, it’s actually quite a good piece of cinema… Like actually a film.”

“Like I know its target audience are like, gross, but it’s like, actually not that bad”

“A bit like some of the earlier South Park stuff. Like, before Trump”

As a young privately educated white feminist who was inspired by Lena Dunham to get into film and screenplay writing, Candice says obviously she agrees with every criticism of The Joker as well. Like esepcially the opinion pieces that criticise the film for being problematic.

“Yeah. I get all that, but I just think it was really well done”

One thing that Candice isn’t revealing is the fact that she, like many other uni students, only consumes content that has been ilegally downloaded through torrenting services – and that somewhere in the mix she accidentally pirated a version of The Joker that had been dubbed into French.

“I just can’t put my finger on it. It’s quite romantic, like not in an intimate way, like the intellectual European version of romantic” she says.

Joaquin Phoenix’s lead performance has been variously described as “fearsome”, “astonishing” and “mesmerising” – but many are still divided on whether this movie encourages civil disobedience against the cultural and financial elites.

According to other reviewers, like people on the internet who would love to have worked on a film like this, though, the film is guilty of “aggressive and possibly irresponsible idiocy” by the same kind of people who probably think Geoffrey Rush is a good bloke.


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