Despite all efforts to not be cynical, local mum Trina Sampson (45) cannot help but give her husband a slight side-eye this evening.

Even though her husband Pete appears to be in a lovely mood, and is very much carrying more than his fair share of the domestic load before dinner time – there’s just a hint of dubiousness in the air of this Betoota Heights home this evening.

Pete has gotten the three kids showered, changed, and through their homework before dinner. He’s completely sober, and he says he had a good day at work.

But something’s a bit off.

Because at some point after close of business today, a beautiful bouquet of flowers appeared on the living room table for no reason at all.

There’s no card, no particular milestone, no real context at all.

Pete just did it because he likes to do that kind of thing sometimes. Or so he says.

This has generated great suspicion in the Sampson household tonight, as Trina braces herself for some outlandish proposal.

Will it be a three-day bucks party for one of those 2nd-marriage lowlifes he used to play footy with? Or worse, is there some sort of ‘mandatory’ work conference on the Gold Coast coming up?

Has he found a way out of dinner with the in-laws on Friday night? Did he prang the car at the shops? Has he remortgaged the family home without her knowledge due to an out-of-control gambling debt that he’s never once mentioned before?

Maybe that lesbian he shares a desk with isn’t a lesbian after all. Or maybe he’s got a secret family in the Phillipines? Who knows.

Trina doesn’t know. She doesn’t want to know. She just wishes her husband could come home from work with a bunch of flowers without the baggage of a clunky apology or some delusional request. Why can’t they just be for no reason at all?


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