Former Victorian premier and Liberal Party heavyweight, Jeff Kennett says he wants his party focused on winning the 2025 election.

Forget the tit-for-tat bickering with Labor, and ditch the short-lived sugar hits of the 24-hour news cycle. He wants them working on policy and messaging.

Now is not the time to be complacent, or to fire shots in to dark and hoping they hit something. He says the Liberal Party cannot govern again, at a state or federal level, unless they win back their blue-ribbon seats.

As the first man on earth who thought closing down state mental health facilities and replacing them with nothing would be good for society, Kennett is viewed as somewhat of a visionary in the Liberal Party.

Kennett’s view that the party is in the midst of existential crisis is one that is shared by many, but rarely voiced. If they cannot neutralise the threat of the Teals and other Independents, the party will inevitable drift further away from the base with low-effort populism that only really appeals to those black-clad men who marched through Corowa over the weekend.

The Liberal Party’s plan to spend trillions of dollars on state-funded, privately-operated Nuclear reactors is a good start. But party culture is just as important.

The number one threat facing the party at the moment is the fact that their Sky News-brain branch members still think Australia is a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant utopia where women can’t vote. They need to cast a wider net of voters.

With Federal Opposition leader Peter Dutton even going as far eating ‘pasta’ during a media opp last month, the party’s efforts to appeal to more diverse voters is evident.

But they still have to overcome the glaringly obvious problem with female voters.

With only one or two high-profile females in the entire Federal Shadow Cabinet, and new Teal campaigns being launch in the last remaining Liberal seats every week, the Party desperately needs to address the women problem and quick.

They can start by calling it what it is: a ‘rude little bitch’ problem, as Kennett so eloquently described it, into a microphone, in a room full of men, after a flippant child-bearer dared to interrupt his speech at a Young Liberals function over the weekend.



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