The thousands of Englishmen that have ruined both the lives of innocent families and business-owners by getting caught up in nationwide riots – should instead focus their attention on trying to be good at sport.

This comes as over a dozen cities across the UK descend into nationalistic riots – less than a month after the piss-weak sporting nation bottled yet another Euros finals, only to follow that up by delivering a limp-dick performance at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

While Australia cannot exactly ridicule England’s recent civil unrest from atop of a high-horse, due to our own shameful weekend in Cronulla Beach in 2005, it cannot be denied that this kind of far-right rubbish occurs a lot less when a nation can express their pride through sporting victory.

With a former Crown Prosecutor promising severe criminal sanctions for anyone who thinks it is a good idea to get full of coke and lager and bash immigrants, recent technological advancements have already begun identifying and tracking down thousands of offenders who will now be facing serious jail time.

Unfortunately, for those now charged with burning down local shopfronts, or throwing a brick at a cop, there is no legal precedent for them to argue that their brains have been permanently fucked by an algorithm of misinformation fed to him through unregulated foreign social media platforms.

The civil unrest kicked off after political extremists took advantage of community anger over a fatal stabbing attack at a dance class in Southport last week.

False rumours spread online that the attacker was a Muslim and an asylum-seeker, as part of calculated propaganda aimed at pushing already sensitive hot buttons that have emerged ever since the same people that voted to leave the EU in a hope that it would mean there’d be less European migrants taking their jobs suddenly realised that those same jobs have now been taken by black and brown migrants that have been steadily shipped in under a Tory government that actually had no interest in stemming the flow of cheap foreign labour.

With a government unable and unwilling to do anything about regulating social media platforms, or better yet, solving the cost-of-living crisis – it seems the only thing that can stop this white supremacist chaos from spreading is for England to fuck up and win some fucking medals.


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