In news that you definitely haven’t read in any of the newspapers that are owned by Kerry Stokes, Peter Costello or Rupert Murdoch – it seems that the Australian governments controversial ‘automated debt assessment and recovery’ software known as Robodebt was actually illegal.

And what’s worse, the evil political elites that implemented this software were warned by their own legal advisers that is was illegal, and continued with it anyway because they couldn’t resist the opportunity to blame all of the government’s woes on ‘dole bludgers’ by falsely accusing welfare recipients of owing false debts to Centrelink, and then pursuing them with private debt collectors until they either paid it back or killed themselves.

As Australia’s conservative media machines do their best to ignore any of the findings in the current Royal Commission into this programme that they championed so loudly when Social Services Minister Scott Morrison began rolling it out, our nation’s complicit news journalists are just glad they’ve got this Indigenous Voice referendum to kick and scream about instead of this damning report that came out last week.

As much as the Betoota Advocate would appreciate not reporting on the man that made life so difficult for every Australian during his bumbling term as perhaps the most absent Prime Minister that this country has had since the Harold Holt rescue efforts, it seems that the man that fucked up the bushfires, vaccine roll-out and 2022 Federal Election – was also a key player in this cruel exercise of treading on our most vulnerable citizens through unlawful and fictional debt recoveries that caused hundreds of suicides.

As PM, Morrison reluctantly apologised for the horror that Robodebt caused, but not the role he played in it, before settling a class action against his government that saw 1.2 billion tax payer dollars redistributed to the surviving welfare recipients who had been wrongly accused.

After refusing to resign from Parliament and opting to continue sitting on the backbench and continually reminding everyone of the incompetence that sent our country broke, Mr Morrison also hasn’t stopped it with his extravagant family holidays.

Just last week he returned from a big trip to Italy, only to ‘reject the findings’ of the Robodebt report because he doesn’t agree with them.

However, the findings can’t be ignored. Because it looks like he could be heading off for ANOTHER holiday. This time with his servants, the since resigned Alan Tudge MP and Stuart Robert MP.

But this proposed getaway won’t be in Hawaii, or at Scotty’s ancestor’s village in England, or indeed Southern Europe. This long-awaited trip is looking a little closer to home. In the Tuscan-like plains of outer-Parramatta, known as Silverwater.

If you’d like to know more about this amazing holiday itinerary, click here


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