In extremely unsurprising news, a weathered 68 year old man that works for Armaguard has admitted that he’s seen some crazy shit during his time, especially in the 2000s.

The former nightclub security guard turned prisoner turned prison guard turned long haul truck driver turned greyhound racing trainer turned private security turned Armaguard employee, says that there’s just something about the Armaguard job that attracts men with rough backgrounds.

“A lot of us might not look it, but we all actually have very colourful pasts” Graham said while having a smoke with a fellow colleague that had a missing eye and several faded, unidentifiable tattoos across his neck, hands and face.

But it’s not the coworkers that Graham says you need to worry about as an Armaguard employee – It’s the even scarier non-employees that this line of work attracts.

“Especially when they park two hotties (stolen cars) at either end of the truck when you are stopped at the lights and rush to your passenger door wearing balaclavas and carrying shotguns”

“Or when they knock you out from behind as you’re walking out of a TAB with a week’s worth takings and you wake up ziptied in the back of your own truck which is driving 150 kilometres through the rural outskirts of town to a location discreet enough to torch multiple vehicles and bury a body if that’s the mood they’re in”

While Graham admits to having a checkered past himself, he says the mere fact that he was able to pass the police check for this high-risk should point to the fact that he is much better at abiding by society’s laws than the blokes that used to make a pretty penny by stopping him from doing his job.

But he’s seeing less of that cowboy stuff nowadays. What with the roll-out of CCTV and GPS tracking.

“Obviously the nineties were the peak” he says

“But the 2000s were the scariest”

“When they knew the technology was catching up with them, they started getting a bit more brazen. Blast, snatch and grab type shit”

“These days all I have to worry about is some drunk making a lunge for my weapon. That’s child’s play compared to when the cops were in on it”

“Let me tell you, mate. Two Hands was a doco”


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