Elodie Costello (22) has only taken three weeks to garner the attention of her boss’s boss’s boss, Steven Hardwick (60).

While finishing with the highest marks of anyone in her entire accounting degree at the University of Western Queensland, Elodie didn’t miss a beat by taking up an official internship at a highly reputable accounting firm in town – less than a week after graduation.

From there, she has impressed her supervisors day-after-day with her maturity and problem-solving skills.

“She’s a real go-getter” says Elodie’s immediate point of call, Hannah (29).

“She’s gonna go places. She’s a perfect example of the people we want working here.”

Despite being unpaid, it appears the Young Rotary member is treating this job like it’s the real deal, with her office colleagues constantly singing praise for her no-nonsense approach to getting stuck in.

However, one the other side of town, the CEO of her new workplaces is also hearing about her ‘talent’.

Mr Hardwick says he had no idea they’d done another run of interns, but is absolutely stoked to hear that there’s new hot one.

“Yeah mate, she’s so hot” says Bill Brenton (55), a close mate of Hardwick, and CFO of the 50-person organisation.

“How have you not seen here. She’s a smokeshow!”

Hardwick responds by telling Brenton that he doesn’t know who the fuck is coming in and out of his building on level 3, but he’ll be sure to keep a close eye.

“Yeah, you’ll know who she is when you see her” says Brenton.

“Alright!” says Hardwick.

“Consider her on my radar”

[table laughter]

“Does anyone know if she can count to ten? Not that it matters”

[roaring table laughter]

Back in the office, Elodie’s supervisor, Hannah makes a point of telling the young intern that she’ll have a long career in the organisation if she keeps up the hard work. Citing that after just a couple years, she finally is on a first name basis with Bill Brenton, the CFO.


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