In news from the harbour hellhole, a Sydney corporate has spiced up an otherwise monotous and culturally-devoid calendar week by taking a thrilling ride on the Sydney Metro, The Advocate can report.

At approximately 5:38pm this evening, it’s believed a 34-year-old Tax Accountant Henry Killara decided he’d switch up his commute and feel the thrill of raw dogging the front seat on Sydney’s new $25 billion tube.

A man who was born in the North Shore, completed 15 years of private education on the North Shore and now continues to pay $13 for a schooner pn the North Shore, Henry says the new Metro could be the most exciting thing that’s happened in Sydney since the arrival of Yo-Chi.

“It’s pretty awesome, it’s just like riding a rollercoaster!” Henry told our reporter, as he marvelled at the sparkling new windows on the train that are yet to be defaced with by some eshays with coins.

“I’ve actually never been to a theme park before, rides usually make me a bit queasy, but the pace of this one is just right.”

As a spreadsheet drone who gets excited by Fishbowl or the chance to wear Happy Socks to the office on a casual Friday, Henry’s life isn’t often spiced up by much beyond a new limited edition flavour of perinaise.

And now that he’s got a multitude of transport options to take him home to the leafy streets of Sydney’s mid-North Shore, Henry says the Metro is certainly money well spent.

“Usually I’d have to walk from my office to Wynyard, but now we’ve got this new Metro I can take it straight from Barangaroo and change at Chatswood.”

“Chatswood is an unreal place for a night out, the Strike Bowling Bar and laser tag joint is open late until 11pm!”


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