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The British media, police and soccer fanbase are glued to the news updates surrounding the nation’s most exciting un-newsworthy story since Princess Diana’s revenge dress.
This explosive story has escalated in recent days, after CCTV footage from Twickenham police station shows a roaring thunderstorm taking place inside a porcelain tea cup in 2023.
Australian soccer star Sam Kerr was allegedly at the centre of this giant storm in a teacup.
A Twickenham police officer has told the courts that he felt belittled and humiliated by said storm in a teacup, after he mistook women’s safety for an attack on white men.
The British media have been very careful to tread gently around the feelings of this police officer, who despite being armed, felt very vulnerable around two drunken women. Neither of who wouldn’t even be 6 foot tall.
However, the storm in the teacup has been recontextualised in recent days, as Chelsea striker Samantha Kerr reveals the storm in the teacup only emerged after she “felt ignored” by Met Police officers – who refused to beleive that a taxi driver had left her fearing for her life.
The Australia international is charged with causing racially aggravated harassment to PC Stephen Lovell during this storm in a teacup, by calling him “stupid and white” – which might actually have been a fair assessment given the fact that he couldn’t understand why a young women would feel unsafe after her taxis changed directions at 3 in the morning.
Ms Kerr and her partner, West Ham midfielder Kristie Mewis, had been for a night out in south-west London and decided to get a taxi home in the early hours of 30 January 2023, before the storm in the teacup emerged.
The driver said he drove the couple to Twickenham police station after one of the passengers was sick in his vehicle, refused to pay the clean-up fee, and smashed the rear window. It is not revealed that the window was smashed because the women assumed the worst about the driver, which was also fair assumption, given what had happened to a young women in those same streets at the hands of uniformed police officer one year earlier.
But still, the trial seems to be focusing on the feelings of the sensitive police officer, who insists this storm in a teacup made him feel like a young brown women might feel when a London taxi speeds off in the opposite direction to where it should be going at 3am.