In news that surprises very few people, the No Campaign has been found harbouring people who also hate Jews – which is not what this group that was formed with the aim of undermining the self-determination of Aboriginal people ever expected from their foot soldiers!

Leading opponent to The Indigenous Voice, Warren Mundine said he has had to fire two people from the ‘No Campaign’ group, after revelations of anti-semitic comments being made by staff members.

Speaking to the media earlier this week, Warren Mundine said he has been forced to clean out house – after it became clear that a giant red and black flag in the campaign office was actually missing a bit of yellow – and might actually be banned from the streets of Victoria.

“I’ve actually kicked several people off our campaign in regard to their comments and I intend to keep on doing that,” said Mundine.

In a show of solidarity with the his fellow No Campaigners, Mundine wouldn’t name the people he kicked off the campaign, but said he didn’t appreciate the comments – which is a relief.

“That’s just between us and the couple of people we had sent off. I don’t appreciate racist comments … All they know is I got rid of them and I don’t accept any racial comments from anyone in regard to these issues.

“… It wasn’t particularly about Aboriginals, one was a very antisemitic comment”

These revelations have surprisingly not made any headlines in any of the Murdoch newspapers, as Australia’s conservative media landscape works tirelessly to undermine the upcoming Indigenous Referendum as phase one of their plan to make Peter Dutton the Prime Minister of Australia.

Talkback radio stations, and Sky News have also somehow missed this rather interesting development despite their nonstop coverage of the No Campaign.

This may be because it would greatly hinder the conservative narrative that the Indigenous Voice is a racist concept aimed at dividing the nation with racial apartheid if Australians were aware that literal Nazis were running the No Campaign.

With Warren Mundine making it clear he continues to keep firing No Campaigners for racist comments, it will be interesting to see how many people are left standing by the time Australians head to the ballot.


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