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With the Western Australia selection now less than three weeks away, the most unlucky political leader in Australia is doing everything she can to prevent Labor forming a one-party state.

Now the Liberal Party leader, Libby Mettam is fighting tooth and nail to retain her own seat.

Things have not improved for the WA Liberals since the absolute flogging they received at the 2021 State Election.

Under Mark McGowan, the hero of the pandemic, the election was called for for the Labor Party 42 minutes after the polls closed, with 0.7% of the vote counted.

This record-breaking landslide came after years ridicule and sledging from the Federal Government, led by the Liberal Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Everyone in Western Australia was completely happy with the freedom to live their lives without lockdowns. However, Scott Morrison and his army of snarky Liberal ministers continued to publicly order the state to allow visitors from the disease-riddled Eastern States. People like mining baron Clive Palmer, who the government supported in his court challenges to open the borders.

In the end, Labor won 53 out of 59 of the seats in 2021 election.

The Liberals only won two seats in the entire state. In fact, it was such a flogging that the National Party ended up with more.

The Opposition now heads into the 2025 State election with six seats. Up against 53. On top of this, WA Labor have had free reign to govern exactly how they want to, without the Liberals voting against any of their reforms. It seems the voters are well aware that Labor are doing stuff.

But if there’s one thing Western Australians are known for, it’s their ability to remember.

It doesn’t matter that Scott Morrison has been replaced by Peter Dutton. The people of the West remember how they were treated.

It’s for this reason that WA Liberals leader Libby Mettam has come forward today to tell the leader of the Federal Opposition to stay the FUCK away from the west until this election is over.

“It’s almost at the point where the last 6 of us are considering changing our party name completely” she says.

“I don’t know why they think sending Temu Trump over here is going to help me in the slightest”


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