Apple has finally come out and admitted that those random vibrations you feel in your pocket that make you question your sanity are indeed very real.

For years, what has been known as a ‘phantom vibration’ has plagued the pockets of billions of iPhone users. Many have claimed that they randomly feel a vibration in their pocket, despite there never being any notification.

“It always happens when you’re waiting on your crush to message you. I hate it!” Said Nathan Manasi (27), a long time Iphone user.

While most have brushed off the phantom vibrations as simply in their head, a select few have held strong to the fact that phantom vibrations are very real – they are known as ‘phantom vibration truthers’.

While generally being viewed as conspiracy theorist lunatics, phantom vibration truthers have gone against the grain and raised awareness that the vibrations are a ploy to look at our phones more.

With Apple’s recent bombshell announcement that the phantom vibrations are real, many truthers have taken to social media to tell friends and family “I told you so”.

As the phantom vibration truther community descends further into a state of collective euphoria, many eyes have turned to Apple as to why they even do this practice.

“Many say it’s a devious ploy to get people on their phones more, the fact is, we don’t need people on their phones any more than they already are.” Said Thomas Bykowski (66), a leading developer at Apple.

“We actually just do it to mess with people, it’s funny” He admitted.

For now, iPhone users will have to continue living with the phantom vibrations, which, as Apple put it, are “a small price to pay for the future of innovation.” 


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