Apple has today admitted that the only time their Airtags are used is when they got lost at kick ons.

The report comes after Aaron Percy (29) was leaving an early morning get together and realised he had lost his keys, for undisclosed reasons.

“I was about to get in the Uber and did a last minute pocket pat down and realised I left my keys in there” Aaron explained.

“Went inside and remembered those things had an apple air-tag on them that I got a couple christmas’ ago. How goods that!”

“All I had to do was pull out my phone and the thing rang! We really are living in the future” Aaron isn’t alone.

Almost every apple tag user has explained that the device they originally purchased to make sure they can keep track of luggage and other important items, is mainly only ever used when losing their keys while heavily under the influence.

The consumer habit has made it’s way back to Apple, with the tech giant finally addressing the surprising reality.

“To be honest, we did take notice with the fact that a pretty big chunk of our lost Airtag alerts were coming at very strange hours.” Said Michael Szhnieskiy (59), a spokesperson for Apple.

The recent discovery has led Apple to make a sharp pivot in their marketing of the product.

“We’ve recently begun moving our large billboards from busy downtown business areas to more nightlife friendly spots.”

Explained Mr.Szhnieskiy. “We’ve also been experimenting with fitting nightclub bathroom with Airtag vending machines, it’s been a massive hit”


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