365 PARTY GIRL: In a tragic display of misplaced ambition, local Instagram baddie, Tiffany Bloomfield (22), has found herself grappling with the harsh realities of living the “Brat Girl” lifestyle.

Despite an endless stream of TikTok tutorials and Pinterest mood boards, Tiffany has struggled to fully embody the essence of what it means to be a Brat Girl.

“It’s not just about the lip liner and the attitude, babe,” one of her Instagram followers confessed.

“It’s a lifestyle”

The brutal reality of $300 ATM withdrawals, weekend long benders and never properly washing off her fake tan has hit Tiffany harder than expected. 

Tiffany’s attempts at embodying the lifestyle have been less than successful, her attempts to maintain the perfect snarl during weekend-long benders has really started to take it’s toll.

“It’s exhausting,” she admitted, visibly on the comedown. 

Close friends say Tiffany is on the verge of abandoning her Brat Girl dreams, considering a retreat to the safer, less taxing role of a ‘Clean Girl’ instead.

“Honestly, I might just go back to drinking green juice and pretending to meditate,” she sighed.

It seems that for some Gen Z girlies, the reality of trying to live their best Brat life is a bitter ecstasy pill to swallow—one that Tiffany is struggling to wash down with her fifth double shot vodka soda.

More to come.


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