EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A local bachelor today stands accused of not having much luck in the love department, after it was revealed that he keeps his queen size bed tucked into the corner of his room, with only one side accessible.

Tyson Manning, a 26 year old chemical engineer from Betoota Heights, insists that he has ‘girls over all the time actually’, and the reason he keeps his bed in the corner is purely because it’s practical and he wants to save space.

Which would have been a sound argument if he didn’t have the master bedroom of the house.

Speaking to our reporter Effie this morning, who obviously didn’t have anything more pressing to report on, Tyson explains that he’s actually super popular with the ladies so shut up.

“It just doesn’t make sense to have a bed in the middle of the room. I like being in the corner, it’s more cosy.”

Our reporter side eyes the multiple bottles of lotion lined up on his bedside table, which all appear to be half empty.

“Oh wow, god forbid I have dry hands!”

More to come.


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