ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Last year, the deputy prime minister suggested that if young people want to enter the property market, they need to start looking toward the bush and away from the big capitals.
Today, Barnaby Joyce has decided to lead by example.
The 50-year-old has made the decision to move his new, impending young family to Tamworth, a bustling inland metropolis with no less than three McDonald’s restaurants.
With the aid of his like-minded and helpful college, Bob Katter, the under-siege politician has already begun packing up his Canberra bachelor pad.
“Bob was the only once nice enough to return my calls this morning,” he said.
“To be honest with you, I’m not sure if he’s even read the news today. I think he just likes helping people when they ask for help. Anyway, as fate would have it, the advice I gave to all those bleeding hearts and their ironic tattoos locked out of the Sydney property market is the same advice that I’m taking now.”
Equally as enthusiastic about the move was Mr Katter, who told our reporters that he’s ‘pretty much’ the only other parliamentarian willing to lend some elbow grease to a coworker in need.
“It’s good to see a young bloke having a punt on himself. Not too many pollies stand by their word, glad to see young Barnaby stick to his constitution,” said Mr Katter.
“Barnaby rang my office this morning and asked if I could give him a hand with something and here I am. Half an hour later, my media advisor dropped me off with a cut lunch and a chocolate milk. She said she’d be back at 3 o’clock to pick me up,”
“That being said, we’ve got a lot of stuff left to pack and there’s only two of us. Either put the recorder down and lend a hand or go.”
Our reporter elected to go.
More to come.