In a shocking turn of events that has rocked Betoota’s French Quarter, it has been revealed that a popular stall at the Betoota Farmers Market, known for selling ‘bespoke, ethically handmade jewellery’, has been secretly drop-shipping its products straight from Temu.

Locals were lured in by the stall’s ethereal charm, with its carefully arranged crystals and handcrafted wooden displays. The vendor Willow Wild (25) claims to hand-solder each silver ring in her garage, meticulously setting each piece with a gemstone she sourced from a spiritual artisan in Sri-Lanka during her third gap year. 

It turns out, however, that these spiritual artisans are located somewhere in a bustling warehouse in Shenzhen.

The scandal was uncovered when one eagle-eyed shopper recognised a distinctive ring from her late-night Temu browsing. After a quick reverse image search, she discovered that the “handmade” pieces were available online for a fraction of the price Willow was charging. 
When confronted with the evidence, Willow denied any allegations to our reporter.

“Temu is clearly ripping off my designs,” Willow snapped, refusing to comment further on the allegations. “It’s a disgrace, really.”

As the scandal spreads, the Betoota Farmers Market is in damage control, with panicked stallholders desperately reassuring customers that their vegan, gluten-free brownies are indeed homemade—and not just repackaged from the local Woolies.


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