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As he shuffles in to take his police entrance exam, local bloke Kane Wyndham finds himself locking eyes with the very reason he’s in this room today.
His high school nemesis John Davers.
Well, nemesis might not be the right word as that hints at some kind of equality. More like…ruthless bully.
Naturally, you’d think someone who was bullied almost daily for several years would have joined the police force to protect other vulnerable people from the torment he faced.
But no, if Kane was being perfectly honest with himself, it mostly stemmed down to him developing an inferiority complex.
That, and a vicious streak that drove him to subconsciously strive for the semblance of power he craved as an adolescent, and an outlet for his deep, simmering rage.
Coincidentally, John also has similar motives for joining the force, having long grown accustomed to the power he had over other people – and what better way to abuse authority than to get a job where his awful behaviour will no doubt be covered up by other blokes who also didn’t graduate year twelve.
Add to that the police force’s hesitancy to hire anyone on antidepressants, and you find yourself with a breeding ground of angry people who definitely should be seeing a psychiatrist.
Of course, that’s not to say that all police officers are assholes, as there are plenty of people who enter the force for genuine reasons.
But all assholes are police officers.
It’s unknown if both John and Kane made it into the force and if they were able to embark on a cute buddy cop style friendship, but here’s hoping for the sake of the Betoota Ponds residents that neither of them did.
More to come.