ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Northern Australian cattle producers have been reassured by the Federal Government that there are no immediate plans to ban the live export of cattle, despite growing concerns that the recent prohibition on sheep exports from Western Australia could be the start of a broader crackdown on the industry.

Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt reassured the sector in a press conference this afternoon in Canberra, stating that while the government is committed to phasing out the live export of sheep from Western Australia, there are currently no plans to extend the ban “for the time being.”

This has done little to ease the nerves of cattle producers, many of whom remember all too well the abrupt 2011 decision by a previous Labor government to suspend live cattle exports after footage of animal cruelty emerged from Indonesian abattoirs. That ban sent shockwaves through the industry, causing significant financial losses, a number of suicides and left producers skeptical about any promises made by politicians.

“Whenever they say ‘no plans,’ that’s code for ‘we will reconsider our decision in a few months,’” said one producer from a Kimberley area Station.

“They banned sheep, and cattle are next. We’ve seen this movie before. With the election coming up, there’s a big chance Labor will have to raft up with The Greens or some city independent. If that happens, live export is toast,”

“There’s only so many weaners we can dump in the Channel Country. We can only do that if they’ve had a good season, too, which is rare.”

Producers argue that live export is a vital component of their industry, with markets in Southeast Asia are relying on Australian cattle. Many are worried that a sheep ban will set a precedent that could lead to further restrictions.

“They’re putting our livelihoods on the line,” said another cattle producer.

“If this ban on sheep is allowed to stand, we’ll be next on the chopping block.”

More to come.


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