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A study conducted by Betoota Polytechnic University on social trends has concluded that changing your mate’s nickname on Messenger after they’ve done something fucked, is always, always funny.

Second only to changing the group chat photo to an absolutely horrendous pic of your mate, this fun trend is regarded as the highest level of appreciation for a comedic scenario, whilst also ensuring said mate is reminded about it every time they open up the chat.

The Advocate takes to the streets to learn more.

“My mate Ben pissed his pants hitting a high note during Karaoke, so he was known as ‘Pissy Higgins’ from them on”, says Betoota Ponds woman, Jess Telly [28].

“And then my friend Laura was convinced she had a horrendous mole on her leg, but it was just build up from her fake tan.”

“So she was ‘Money Moley Mole’ for a while.”

When asked what her nickname was, Jess lets out an embarrassed chuckle.

“Well, I recently tried to shoot my shot with a bloke, but sadly got shot down.”

“So mine was changed to ’16 Cats Feasting On My Desecrated Corpse.”

“Better than last one, ‘DILF Destroyer.'”

“…I won’t elaborate on that.”

More to come.


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